Most insurance companies offer discounts for purchasing both auto and homeowners insurance through them. When shopping for insurance, this can make comparing rates from different companies a little challenging. Not only must you make sure that the policies you are comparing are identical, but you need to do so for two different policies, auto and homeowners insurance, at the same time. With our online insurance quotes, however, we have made this process as simple as possible for residents in Bethlehem, PA.
Look at Homeowners and Auto Insurance Together
First, our online comparison tool should be used to look at both homeowners and auto insurance policies simultaneously. This way, it know to take into account the discounts offered by insurance companies for combining policies. The exact discount varies from company to company.
Make Sure the Policies are the Same
Once you have policies to compare, make sure they are the same. The two homeowners quotes you are comparing should provide the same level of coverage for the dwelling, other structures, personal belongings, loss of use and personal liability. The deductibles should also be the same. After confirming that the homeowners policies are identical, do the same for the auto insurance policies.
Shop All the Major Insurers
Our online tool, unlike other ones that provide insurance quotes, is able to shop all of the major companies that offer insurance in Bethlehem. We are an independent agency, which means we are not tied to any one insurer. Whether you go through our agents or our online tool, we will help you find the most affordable policies available.
Select the Best Policy
Once you have compared all of the policies our online tool pulls up, you are ready to select the best option for your situation. Simply choose your preference, and we will guide you through the remainder of the process. In just a few clicks, you will be set up with new insurance policies.