Tips for Safer Driving Habits

Not everyone is a safe driver in Bethlehem, PA and whether you want to believe it or not, you may be another culprit at times. If people are constantly telling you to slow down or be more careful, then you likely do not have the best driving habits. They may even be scared to ride with you. Driving safer can help you keep your auto insurance premiums low too so if you want to be a safer driver, use these tips from Saucon Insurance Agency.

  • Remove distractions. The one device that causes the most distractions while you are driving is your cell phone. You do not need your cell phone to drive and if you are guilty of using it while driving, you should consider putting it in another place where you cannot reach it. That text can wait and texting while driving is illegal anyway.
  • Use your blinkers. No matter what, if you are turning, you should use your turn signals. They are there to tell other drivers what you plan to do and to keep everyone aware. Use them as they are meant to be used to stay safer.
  • Go the speed limit. Sure, driving fast may be fun but it can also be dangerous. Don’t test the limits. Always follow the speed limits for the area because they are posted for a reason. 
  • Wear your seatbelt. It is the law to wear one while driving and even if you do not like the way it feels, it is there to protect you. Always put it on no matter how short your drive may be. 

Driving safer really takes just a few minor adjustments. This can make a huge difference though. If you need an auto insurance policy to protect you on the roads, be sure to reach out to Saucon Insurance Agency, serving Bethlehem, PA.

Things to Include in Your Car Emergency Kit

If you live in the Bethlehem, PA area, then you know that a car emergency kit is essential.  It may not seem so important until you need it, and then you’ll wish you had made one.  There is nothing worse than breaking down at night miles away from any timely assistance.  Having an auto club membership or a vehicle under warranty with roadside assistance is great, but it can’t always be counted on for a breakdown or an emergency.  Cell phones are great to call for help unless there’s no service or the battery is dead.  Be prepared by building a car emergency kit to leave in your vehicle. 

Emergency Kit Essentials

  1. A fully equipped first-aid kit.  You can put one together or purchase one that has the necessary basic kit, such as an assortment of Band-Aids, gauze pads, adhesive tape, aspirin, antiseptic wipes, cream, and ointment, and a pair of scissors.
  2. A fire extinguisher (Class B and C) that can put out flammable and combustible liquids and electrical fires.
  3. Portable reflective warning triangles.
  4. A tire gauge. Check the pressure in your spare on occasion.
  5. Foam tire sealant that can repair some flats when you are unable to change the tire.
  6. Jumper cables that are at least 10 feet long and covered with at least 8-guage rubber.
  7. A waterproof flashlight and extra batteries, rags, gloves, rain poncho, bottled water, nonperishable snacks, and a warm blanket.
  8. A tow strap or rope, multipurpose utility knife, and duct tape.
  9. Windshield ice scraper, folding shovel, and some cat litter for traction on ice.

Saucon Insurance Agency

At Saucon Insurance Agency, we make it our goal to help you protect your family and assets.  Contact an agent today about your auto insurance in the Bethlehem, PA area.

The 50-50 Parking Lot Hit: What You Need to Know

You’re sitting in your car in a parking space at the mall and start to back out. You’re checking behind you on each side — and then you feel an impact. It’s very common to have a slow-speed fender-bender in which two cars back out of parking spots at the same time and hit each other. But this dual responsibility changes how your insurance policy might treat the accident. Before you assume that the other guy was at fault and that his insurance will pay, contact your agent, such as Saucon Insurance Agency serving Bethlehem, PA, to discuss further steps.

50-50 Responsibility, 50-50 Payment

These accidents are often truly neutral in terms of blame. Both of you share equal fault, even if the two of you really didn’t realize you were both backing out at the same time. In situations like these, it’s common for insurance agencies to split the payments. In other words, you might get reimbursed for half of the costs of repairing the damage to your car, and the same would happen in the other guy’s case. It’s entirely possible that adjusters would find one person more at fault than the other, but unless there are witnesses, surveillance video, or damage that is clearly not the fault of one party, the adjusters often write the fault of the accident off as split between both parties equally. And if the hit was slow enough, the damage might not even top your deductible, in which case you’d end up paying for all of the repair to your car anyway.

Contact your agent after the accident, even if you and the other party decide to forget about trading information. An agency like the Saucon Insurance Agency, serving Bethlehem, PA, can advise you what to do next.

Winter Driving Safety

Winter is here, which means cold weather and plenty of ice and snow for Bethlehem, PA. While we all have places we must go each day such as work, school, and other activities, there are times when this can be dangerous during the winter. At Saucon Insurance Agency, our hope is that all of our customers and their families stay safe when driving throughout the winter. Here are some safety tips to use throughout the season.

Safety Tip #1: Keep Up with Local Weather Reports

It is not a matter of if, but when the roads will ice over in Bethlehem, PA. We recommend that you make it a habit to regularly check the local weather reports. If the roads are too treacherous for driving, make the smart choice and stay home. It is also good to get familiar with weather terminology. Terms such as advisory, watch, or warning are used to let you know the severity of an upcoming storm.

Safety Tip #2: Winterize Your Vehicle

Have your vehicle inspected by a local mechanic, or examine it yourself. It needs to have adequate amounts of antifreeze to prevent freezing. Your tires should have plenty of tread or they may need to be replaced. Make sure that your thermostat and defroster are in good working order so you stay warm while on the road.

Safety Tip #3: Keep an Emergency Kit in Your Car

If you are stranded in the cold, an emergency kit will come in handy. Your kit should include essentials such as a first aid kit, flashlight, batteries, blankets, warm clothes, water, and snacks.  Call your insurance agent as soon as possible if you need assistance while on the road. At Saucon Insurance Agency, we hope you stay safe and warm all season long.

What to Watch Out for When Purchasing Auto Insurance

When purchasing an auto insurance policy, there are a few things you should want to focus on looking out for. You likely already know some basic steps to take but you may not know what you should avoid doing. Use these tips from Saucon Insurance Agency, serving Bethlehem, PA, when you are looking for your next auto insurance policy.

  • Always make sure minimum state requirements are met. In Pennsylvania, there are minimum requirements set that you must have if you own and operate a vehicle. For bodily injury liability, you must have at least $15,000 per person. There is a limit of $30,000. For property damage liability, you must have $5,000 worth of coverage. You must also have $5,000 worth of first party benefits (PIP).
  • Make sure the company has great customer service. When you are making a decision on an auto insurance policy, you should also be making a decision on the company. Customer service goes a long way and if your cost for the insurance is just a little bit more per month with a great company, then it will be well worth it. 
  • Make sure all of your coverage options are in the policy and there are no gaps. Before you sign up, you will need to ask for a copy of the policy coverage to ensure everything is there that you are wanting. 
  • Ask for discounts. It never hurts to ask for discounts for things such as affiliations, safe driver, good student, and more. Ask about these things before you sign up for a cost. You never know how much you can save with one or two discounts that you are eligible for. 

Contact us at Saucon Insurance Agency, serving Bethlehem, PA, today and we will be happy to help you get quotes for auto insurance or even take a look at your current policy to ensure there are no gaps in coverage.

Understanding Your Auto Insurance Needs

 Insurance of any type can be difficult to understand but auto policies are notoriously difficult. For those in the Bethlehem, PA area, Saucon Insurance Agency can help you understand your individual insurance needs so that you can be sure you are both fully covered and legal.

Auto policies as a general rule are in place to help pay medical bills, time off work, and the deductible of the other driver should you get into an auto accident. Auto policies can also help pay for a rental car, replacement car, or can help you pay for a new car completely if your car is totaled. The minimum required insurance for each state may vary but the federal standard is about $10,000 to $25,000 of coverage.

This coverage is in place to help pay for medical bills, deductibles and more in the event of an accident. The base amount of insurance you must carry is often referred to as liability insurance because it only covers a minimum amount and does not cover the full cost of an accident. You can purchase liability policies that cover more in terms of monetary value and you can buy full coverage policies as well.

Full coverage policies do have a higher monthly premium but they do cover basically all the monetary considerations in the event of an accident. Every driver is required to carry at least the state or federal minimum of insurance coverage but not everyone is required to carry full coverage insurance. Full coverage policies are generally required if you owe money on your car or if you hold a loan or lien against your automobile through a third party lender. This is to keep the lender’s interests in mind and to help pay for a new automobile should you be in an accident.

If you have insurance questions and you live in the Bethlehem, PA area, contact Saucon Insurance Agency today.

Recognizing and Understanding Accident Fraud

In a perfect world accident fraud would not be an issue. Those that were involved in accidents would be truthful and provide accurate information that detailed the accident. There would also be far fewer people staging accidents in an attempt to siphon money the insurance policies of other drivers. The best way to avoid this type of fraud is to first understand what insurance fraud is and how to recognize it.

There are a few different factors that will help you point out accident fraud. The first is those drivers that claim injuries that are far more serious than the accident that occurred could have caused. This could be things like severe whiplash, not being able to walk, serious injury that requires large amounts of pain medication, and other similar injuries. Luckily, most insurance companies will not pay out on claims without medical record of the injuries but if you are involved in a fender bender and the other party immediately starts acting injured, you may be part of a fraud in progress.

Another indicator is that you have no real idea how the accident happened. A good example of this is if you are driving and all of a sudden you have rear ended the car in front of you without any real indication of how it happened. Drivers that take part in fraud generally target inattentive drivers or those that are looking down or away from the road. They also tend to target those drivers that are driving cars nicer than their own.

The last indicator you want to look for are those drivers that are involved in an accident with you but are reluctant to pass out their own insurance information. With any accident your insurance company like the Saucon Insurance Agency will walk you through the claims process and help you sniff out fraud.

Replace These Car Parts for Better Gas Mileage

Even though the price of gas is decreasing, no one wants to spend more than they have to. Unfortunately, if your car is in need of repairs, it may be using more gas. Here are three car parts you can replace to increase your gas mileage and decrease the amount you spend on gas.

Oxygen Sensor

If you are looking to cut back on the amount of gas your car uses, you should have the oxygen sensor replaced. This is a part that needs to be replaced every 100,000 or when it is bad. This part monitors exhaust flows and when faulty, sends the wrong data to the engine. This releases an incorrect fuel injection level, which can cause more gas to be used.

Spark Plugs

Another way to save on the amount of gas your car uses is to change the spark plugs. Spark plugs should be changed every 30,000 miles. These plugs ignite the air/fuel mixture in the engine combustion chamber. If the plugs are old, this process is not done efficiently. This can lead to more gas being used and more strain being placed on your engine. Replacing the spark plugs allows the engine to run cleaner and the car to use less gas.

Air Filter

The last way to cut back on the amount of gas your car uses is to replace the air filter. This should be replaced every 10,000 to 30,000 miles, based on your driving conditions and the manufacturer’s recommendation. Dirty air filters are the number one cause of increased gas usage, so replacing yours as recommended can cut back on that.

Replacing these three parts will help your car get better gas mileage and help you save on gas expenses. Another way to save on expenses is to make sure you aren’t paying more for auto insurance than you need to be. Contact Saucon Insurance Agency to learn how we can help you reduce your current auto insurance policy to help you save money.

High Performance Engines Run Better on Premium Gas

High-performance engines run better on premium gasoline because of the higher compression, turbo charging, and other performance enhancements. If your automobile is equipped with a high-performance engine and you do not use premium fuel, when the manufacturer specifies it, you may harm the engine. Additionally, the performance suffers, and you will not be getting the benefits of the higher levels of performance that the engine design is capable of producing.

Octane Rating
Premium gasoline has a higher octane rating than regular gas. Usually, the octane rating of premium is 90 to 93. Regular gasoline has the octane rating of 87. Some petroleum companies offer a mid-range gasoline with the octane rating of 89. The number of the octane rating for the different fuels offered at a service station shows on the fuel pump under the meter for each type.

The “Gunk” in Lower Quality Fuel
Lower quality gasoline creates more plaque build-up from gasoline deposits. This “gunk” fouls the fuel injectors and sometimes makes valves stuck. Special detergents added to fuel decrease this problem. Premium gas has better quality detergents and therefore lower plaque build-up than regular gasoline.

Less Engine Ping
Premium gasoline is also less likely to cause an engine pinging sound or a knocking sound. These sounds come from the premature combustion of the fuel/air mixture before entering the piston chamber, where it is supposed to ignite from the spark. Severe knocking can seriously damage an engine.

Higher-octane premium gas is not more powerful that regular gas. The properties that make premium fuel special are a higher ignition temperature and a slower burning rate. High-performance engines maximize the benefits achievable from these differences.

Keep Insurance Up-to-Date
The agents at Saucon Insurance Agency know how proud you must be of your luxury automobile or sports car that has a high-performance engine. Be sure to have adequate automobile insurance coverage for the possibility of damage to the vehicle. Make sure the insurance is enough to cover the cost of standard repairs and also any special repairs needed for custom work done to the vehicle.

Hopefully, you will avoid having an accident. However, if something unfortunate should happen, you will be confident that the proper auto insurance is in place to cover the damages, when you work with the experts at Saucon Insurance Agency to review, renew, or obtain new automobile insurance.

Contact us today or visit the Saucon Insurance Agency website to request a quote.

Notice A Car Accident? What You Can Do To Help

When you’re driving in Pennsylvania, you could easily see an accident happen right in front of you. There’s a lot you can do help. The more you know, the more helpful you can be. What you do at the scene could be what saves the lives of the victims.

Call 911

Many people don’t call when they should because they think someone else has already made the call. The operator will ask you about location, number of cars, and other details. You may also be asked to stay on the line until help has arrived.

Move Your Car

You don’t want to be in the way of first responders, or oncoming traffic. Plan on being at least 100 feet away from the accident, and off to the side of the road.

Talk to the Victims

Go over to the cars, if it is safe to do so, and talk to the victims. Let them know that help is on the way and ask how they are doing. They may be in shock, so be patient with them. If they can safely get out of the car, help them. Otherwise, wait for help to arrive.

Turn Cars Off

Many times, cars are still in drive when there is an accident. Be sure to get them into park and then turn the key so the ignitions shut off. This can prevent a fire as well as the car moving forward, causing any further damage.

Wait for Help

You called 911, so now you have to be patient and wait. Once help comes, you will likely be asked for a statement.

Call now and talk to our agents at Saucon Insurance Agency to learn more about car insurance in Northampton County. We work with some of the best insurance companies in PA to give you a great deal.