Be Prepared for a Power Outage

Power outages in summer months are inconvenient, but they usually involve little more than buying ice and loading the food from your refrigerator into a cooler. Power outages during winter months in Bethlehem, PA can pose a greater risk to you and your family, so it is best to be prepared. Saucon Insurance Agency can provide guidance to help you prepare for major winter weather. 

Step 1: Assemble an Emergency Kit

Be sure to include:

  • Water and food
  • Extra blankets and clothing
  • Battery or solar powered radio
  • Alternative power sources for phones and medical equipment 
  • Flashlights with extra batteries
  • Rock salt (ice melt), kitty litter, and shovel
  • Heat source– ventilate safely
  • Generator and gas– never run indoors to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning

Step 2: Take Action

Make contact with the power company to determine estimated time before power is restored. If it is going to be more than a few hours, it is time to act. Gather family members, extra clothing, and blankets in a central room, preferably a room with a stove or fireplace. Close off extra rooms to keep heat where it is needed. Keep water pipes from bursting by letting water trickle. Be sure you know how to turn off the main line. Do not open the refrigerator or freezer. Freezer food will last about 2 days if undisturbed. Food in the refrigerator only has about 4 hours before it becomes questionable. If outside weather permits, place food in a cooler and use snow to keep it cold. 

Step 3: Know When to Go

Ideally, you have what you need to stay warm and nourished for about a week. If that’s not the case, know when it’s time to seek help. Many local radio stations and news apps will announce shelter locations. If you are unable to drive out, contact emergency services.

The agents at Saucon Insurance Agency encourage you to be prepared for the possibility of a power outage, especially since Bethlehem, PA is no stranger to surprise winter weather events. 



How Much Home Insurance Should I Buy?

Home insurance should fit your home and your lifestyle. Buy too much and you’ll be throwing money away each month. Buy too little and you won’t be covered in the event something happens. For that reason it’s necessary to do a thorough inventory that takes into account the following:

The Structure of Your Home

Estimate the cost of rebuilding your home by determining local construction costs, the home’s square footage, and the style and type of materials your home is built from.  

Personal Possessions

Policies typically provide coverage for personal possessions that’s equal to between 50% and 70% of the value of the home. If you have valuable possessions such as artwork, jewelry, antiques, etc., you may need to secure additional endorsements to cover these items. Remember, when calculating possessions it’s important to insure them for their replacement cost, not their intrinsic value.

Liability to Others

Always make sure you are covered against lawsuits for bodily injury or property damage. This is especially important if you have features such as swimming pools, ponds, potentially dangerous pets such as dogs,  or other attractive nuisances. Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to carry $300,000 to $500,000 in coverage if any of these are present on the property.

Relocation Expenses

Consider the cost of relocating to a hotel or temporary home if a fire, flood, or other event makes the home uninhabitable. When calculating how much you will need, estimate your daily living expenses + the cost of area hotels or housing and any additional transportation expenses a temporary move would require. 

Homeowners in Bethlehem, PA should carry enough homeowner’s insurance to protect them from potential accidents or damage. Saucon Insurance Agency can help determine the appropriate level of coverage and any endorsements that are advisable.  

The Importance of Having Your Roof Inspected in the Fall

The majority of homeowner’s insurance claims for roof damage are filed in the winter months. This is because winters can be rough on your roof. having your roof inspected in the fall months can help minimize the likelihood that you will encounter roof problems this upcoming winter season. Here are a few ways winter can wreak havoc on your roof.


Rain can seep in your roof where there are missing or damaged roofing shingles or tiles. This can cause a roof leak that can cause a significant amount of damage. A roof inspection can catch this problem so you can repair it.


Large amounts of snow can build up on your roof and put weight on your roof. Clearing the snow routinely can help prevent this problem, as can having your roof inspected. If your trusses are weak, due to age or past roof problems, a new roof may need to be placed before the winter months hit.


Ice can be damaging to your roof. It can cause your roofing materials to contract, which can cause them to split or crack. A roof inspection can find damage from last winter and repair it, so the problem does not worsen this winter.

Winters can be rough in Bethlehem, PA. And unfortunately, this can put a large burden on your roof. A roof inspection can minimize the chances of roof problems, but cannot prevent them altogether. As such, reviewing your homeowner’s insurance in the fall is a great idea. If you would like to get quotes for a new homeowner’s insurance policy or learn about the coverages on your existing policy, contact the Saucon Insurance Agency today. We can help with your homeowner’s insurance needs.


Are Firearms Covered by Home Insurance?

The people of Bethlehem, PA are proud of their right to bear arms. This has been an issue during the election year with the attention from the national media, but it isn’t an issue purely for political reasons. Firearms also play a role in home insurance. When homeowners are shopping for policies, it is important for prospective customers to ask how firearms will impact their home insurance premiums. Saucon Insurance has some key details below.

First of all, guns are expensive items. It is important for homeowners to insure the valuable items in their home under extra personal belongings protection. This includes furniture, jewelry, and firearms. In this respect, owning firearms will slightly increase home insurance rates because they must be insured by a personal belongings rider under the home insurance policy. This rider will also pay to replace the firearms should anything happen to them inside the home.

In addition, the home insurance policy should add liability protection. For example, if a criminal breaks into the home, steals the firearm, then injures someone using the firearm, that person could potentially file a lawsuit against the owner for not securing the weapon. Due to this additional risk, home insurance rates could increase with the presence of firearms. On the other hand, this policy will add liability protection if anything happens as a result of this firearm. Do not try to hide the presence of firearms from insurance companies because this extra liability protection is essential to protecting the owner of the home and firearm from a lawsuit. Make sure this liability protection is included in the home insurance policy.

People in Bethlehem, PA need to understand the intricacies of the home insurance policies, particularly when it comes to the presence of firearms because they are both valuable and dangerous. Don’t be surprised by home insurance rates. Ask how the policy changes with the presence of absence of firearms. Contact Saucon Insurance for information on a home insurance policy today.

Household Items You Should Recycle

Many people can list the most commonly recycled items in the home. Glass bottles, plastic bottles, aluminum cans, cardboard, and paperboard are well known. There are other items that can also be recycled, especially when you are making renovations. Many of the items you no longer use can be recycled or repurposed in a variety of ways.

A good example of recyclable material is the old wiring that is removed when you renovate a room or home. Old wiring contains copper that is easily recycled and will also offer a small payout that will help you recoup some of the cost of the remodel. Metal of any kind can be recycled, and most scrap yards will help you arrange a pickup if you have no way to transport it to the scrap yard.

Sinks, bath tubs, doors, and other large items that are in good condition can be recycled or donated to organizations like Habitat for Humanity. Any item that is removed in one piece and that can be reused is worth recycling. This may seem like a chore, but many companies specialize in the recycling of used home materials. Windows, for example, can be refurbished and turned into picture frames or shadow boxes. The opportunities for many of these items are endless, all you need to do is begin to explore your options.

If you are performing renovations to your home, you may want to upgrade your existing insurance policy or look around for a new one. Saucon Insurance Agency serves Bethlehem, PA and many of the surrounding communities. Agents at the office can help you find the right policy to meet your needs after you have made improvements to your home. Once your home has been renovated, you want to make sure you have the protection you need!


What Happens if I Don’t Have Home Insurance?

In an effort to save money, many homeowners make the mistake of dropping their homeowner’s insurance.  While this may save them a few hundred dollars in the short term, however, it can have disastrous consequences down the road.

During their lifetimes, over half of all homeowner swill have to file a major claim against their insurance company.  Typically, these claims are the result of a disaster such as a hurricane or earthquake, or an accident.  No matter the reason, however, people are typically surprised to see how much damage can be done by just a single incident.

All too often, people assume that in the event of a disaster, they would be able to pay for the damage themselves or rely on a combination of government and charities for assistance.  In fact, only a small fraction of natural disasters qualify for this type of aid, and household accidents rarely do.  Discovering this after a home has been seriously damaged or destroyed, however, often results in the property owner taking on large amounts of debt in order to repair and restore what he or she had.

It’s always a good idea to protect your property and your family from events that could result in the loss of everything you’ve worked for.  Fortunately, there are a lot of options in homeowner’s insurance, practically guaranteeing that you’ll find something that will fit into your budget.

If you’re thinking about getting a new homeowner’’s insurance policy, or if you just need to change your current one to fit into your budget, then call the insurance agents at Saucon Insurance Agency.  They can help you find the coverage that is right for you.

House-Sitting? It’s Really Not the Time to Throw a Party

When you’re house sitting in Bethlehem, PA, you want to make sure you’re taking good care of the house you’ve been asked to watch over. That way, you may be asked to sit again in the future, and other people in the area may ask you for your services, too. Much like a babysitter or a pet sitter, house sitting gives you a lot of responsibility, and how well you do is going to spread around your community by word of mouth. You want the words said about you to be good ones, which means it’s not the time to throw a party.

Sure, it’s tempting. That’s especially true if it’s a big house or if the owners are wealthy. They may have a pool or a lot of other amenities that are of great interest. You may have a lot of friends who want to come see you, and who want to make your stay in the house less lonely and more enjoyable. Still, just say no. Having a party in someone else’s home not only violates the owner’s trust in you, but it could do some damage that would be difficult to explain and even harder to repair. You don’t want that to happen, as you could be held responsible for the damages, and that could get expensive.

The chances are high that the home is insured, but insurance is supposed to be used for events that are out of your control, and choosing to have a party doesn’t fall into that category. Don’t make the homeowners you house sit for have to use their policy due to the damage you’ve caused. As for the homeowners’ insurance itself, talking with Saucon Insurance Agency is an excellent way to get the coverage you need and the personalized service you deserve, no matter what you might need it for.

Keep Your Home Safe This Halloween

In just a few days, kids of all ages will begin swarming neighborhoods in Bethlehem, PA, searching for the best king-size candy bars. Trick-or-treating is a fun time for all involved, as children get candy and adults get to see kids’ costumes. Make sure Halloween at your home is fun and doesn’t result in an accident. We’ve compiled a short list of tips for staying safe on October 31.

Keeping Your Home Safe

Halloween decorations add to the fun festivities, but they also can create safety hazards. As you put up ghost, ghouls, and goblins, don’t forget to make sure:

  • your yard is clear of decorations that trick-or-treaters could trip over
  • all lit jack-o-lanterns are kept away from flammable items
  • your indoor decorations aren’t fire hazards

Safety doesn’t need to impede your decorating efforts this October, but it should be kept in mind whenever you put a decoration up.

Insuring Your Home Against Fire

Additionally, you might want to review your home insurance for coverage against fires. Even if you’re extremely cautious when decorating, a turned-over jack-o-lantern or burnt pumpkin seeds could start a fire. By maintaining a good home insurance policy, you can financially protect yourself from fires started by covered causes.

For help understanding how home insurance policies treat house fires, contact us at Saucon Insurance Agency. Our agents can explain what types of fires are typically covered by home insurance, and we’ll help you look for the specific coverage you need. If your policy doesn’t fully protect you, our independent agents can also help you find a policy that will afford enough protection.

To get in touch with us, contact us through our website. Have a great time decorating, and stay safe this Halloween.

Clean Your Pa Home Faster With These Hacks

Your home in Pennsylvania is where you spend a significant amount of time. You want to make sure that it is as clean as it can be – and there are some facts to help you clean every area of your home faster. Knowing these will help you to spend more time with your friends and family and less time with the chores.

Living Room

  • When you are trying to dust in your living room, use a lint roller. This will ensure that the dust doesn’t get transferred to somewhere else. It makes it easy to clean lampshades, bookshelves, and much more.
  • Use a dryer sheet on the air to help improve the smell and remove any built-up dust.


  • Use car wax over your flat top cooking surface so that it’s easier to clean the next time you spill something or grease splatters.
  • Use water with a little bit of distilled white vinegar in order to clean the hard to get dirt off of your kitchen tiles. This can be used on the floor as well as backslashes.


  • Stainless steel can look much older than it is because of hard water stains. Use powdered laundry detergent with hot water and let it sit on all of the stainless steel faucets, drains, and shower heads for an hour and then rinse it off.
  • Use shower gel as a way of helping to clean the bathroom tiles in your shower.

There are so many different cleaning hacks, and you will be able to speed up your weekly chores tremendously.

Call and talk to an agent at Saucon Insurance today and we can help you find a homeowner’s insurance you can count on. It’s a great way to save on a policy.



From Winter to Spring: Surviving the Storms in Pennsylvania

Those of us who live in Pennsylvania know the wide range of storms that can be produced here. From lake effect snowfalls in the extreme Northwest to hurricanes on the East, we just about get it all. Making the transition from winter to spring is a particular volatile time in the state. This is the time of the year we can experience deep snows, freezing rain, and high winds. They will soon transition into thunderstorms, heavy rains and the possibility of tornadoes.

Taking the brunt of most of this Pennsylvania weather is your roof. Your roof protects you and your family from the elements. It protects your furniture and other possessions from damage. But what protects your roof? Your homeowners insurance does, IF you have the right coverage.

Your roof is one of the largest exposed areas of your home. It can also be expensive to repair or replace in the event of damage. This is an excellent time to make sure your homeowners policy provides the protection you need. Contact us for a homeowners insurance review. There is no cost or obligation for the review. In a short time you will better understand your coverage and be assured there is more than just a roof covering you and your family.

If you prefer, you can get an online comparative quote on our website from the convenience of an internet connection. While you’re there, compare rates on your auto insurance. You see, we are an independent insurance agency giving us the ability to check with many companies to compare rates. This ability many times results in significant savings for our customers. Let us help protect you from the storm ahead. Contact us today and put us to work for you.